The great season of Spanish-American poetry

This section includes important and historic entries by Hispano-American poets who have marked the literary history of the 20th century. Universally known names such as Neruda, Borges, Cortázar, Gabriela Mistral, Ernesto Cardenal and Mario Benedetti together next to fundamental voices who have renewed the poetic language such as Alejandra Pizarnik, Olga Orozco, Idea Vilariño, and Marosa di Giorgio. Not to forget the linguistic game of Oliverio Girondo and Fernando Silva or the social and political commitment of Roque Dalton, González Tuñon and Juan Gelman.

The sound documents have been recorded along a period of more than thirty years, they come from the private archive of Roberto Pasquali, president of the Intercultural Association A.I.P.I. and from Hispano-American public archives such as the Audiovideotheque of Buenos Aires, the Museo de la Palabra of Montevideo, the Direcciòn de Literatura, Universidad Nacional Autònoma de México UNAM and the Casa de las Américas de La Habana, Cuba.

On the cover

Photo by Annemarie Heinrich, 1967. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons